Managing Your Time Effectively
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Price: Free to all
This introductory course is free to all.
Self paced & online
You can access this course anywhere at any time. Never miss a class or deadline.
Access to this course
You will have access to this course for one year from when you enrol.
Learn on any device
Learn at home, at the office or on the go on any device.
What You'll Learn
Gain A Recognised Course Certificate

Who Should Take This Course?
Meet the industry experts
Here are the industry experts that you will learn from throughout this course:
Katie Taylor
Katie spent many years as a self-employed consultant, working on a wide range of projects for the likes of British Aerospace, Computer Sciences Corporation CSC, British Gas and Astra Zeneca. She specialised in enabling communication between different levels of staff, especially during times of radical change. Currently, Chair at The Agile Business Consortium - Advancing Business Agility Worldwide. “Work doesn’t work” for many people who are not engaged – we are part of the movement to make a positive change.
Rod Willis
Having spent the past 10 years deep-diving into the world of Group Dynamics and adjacent areas, Rod has been able to turn theory into practical interventions that enable Facilitators, Scrum Masters, Agile Coaches and more besides, to finally see and understand the hidden dynamics every group will experience (AKA Team Culture). Rod has supported the agile community for many years, facilitating workshops and conferences among like-minded people. Outside of the agile community, he facilitates the Windsor Leadership Trust’s Emerging Leaders Programme where he is known for his work on collaboration and mindset development, integrating Design Thinking and Continuous Improvement with Group Dynamics. Rod is also a Director and Co-founder of Assentire Ltd and is the subject matter expert for the "Accelerating Collaboration Everywhere" initiative and remains actively involved in supporting this growing community.