Mastering Agile Leadership
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Price: Free Free to attendees of AAEE 2024
This level 3 course is free to attendees of the Agile Alliance European Experience 2024
Self paced & online
You can access this course anywhere at any time. Never miss a class or deadline.
Access to this course
You will have access to this course for one year from when you enrol.
Learn on any device
Learn at home, at the office or on the go on any device.
What You'll Learn
Gain A Recognised Course Certificate

Who Should Take This Course?
Meet the industry experts
Here are the industry experts that you will learn from throughout this course:
Mark Buchan
Mark is a seasoned Change Agent and Agile trouble-shooter, with over 20 years’ experience in delivering transformative change and helping turn around failing Agile Transformations. Mark combines his technical background with extensive knowledge of organisational development and psychology, to provide a unique and innovative approach to Agile Transformation.
Mark also helped develop the Agile Business Consortium's "Nine Principles of Agile Leadership" (2017).
Drawing on all Mark's years working in the Agile space, he launched his first book (May 2019): “Leader’s, it’s not how you finish but how you start: A radical new strategy for successful Agile Transformations revealed”. In it, Mark identifies the five mistakes that are common in EVERY failing transformation and he explains what needs to be done to create “Genuine Agile Transformation”. Instead of following prescriptions and recipes, and the conventional approach to Agile Transformations provided by large consulting houses, Mark suggests following a radical, new strategy that is genuinely tailored to the individual organisation. You can buy his book here.