Mastering Agile Leadership

Dive deep into mastering transformation strategies and cultivating sustainable agile cultures.
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  • Price: Free Free to attendees of AAEE 2024 

  • This level 3 course is free to attendees of the Agile Alliance European Experience 2024

  • Self paced & online
  • You can access this course anywhere at any time. Never miss a class or deadline.

  • Access to this course
  • You will have access to this course for one year from when you enrol.

  • Learn on any device
  • Learn at home, at the office or on the go on any device.

What You'll Learn

  • You will be able to evaluate what impact change initiatives can have on individuals, groups, and the organisation overall and make recommendations for improvement,
  • You will be able to compare approaches on how leaders can implement transformation in themselves, groups, and the organisation utilising appropriate strategies,
  • You will be able to assess how developing agile leadership characteristics in yourself and others can result in more successful change initiative outcomes across the organisation and communicate why this is critical to success,
  • You will be able to articulate how agile culture enables sustainable practices that contribute to resilience and improved business performance for individuals, teams, and organisations,
  • You will be able to reflect on your own growth and that of others in relation to the way people respond to organisational change when integrating agile principles and values.

In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, change is not merely an event but an ongoing reality. How organisations navigate, internalise, and evolve with this reality often determines their long-term viability and success. This course "Mastering Agile Leadership" is purposefully crafted for leaders and professionals, equipping them to not just manage but champion change in a manner that's both sustainable and transformational.

Organisations often focus on the tangible facets of change – new systems, redefined processes, or restructured teams. However, the real essence and success of organisational transformation hinge on its leadership's ability to influence, engage, and convince other people. But what does it truly mean to be an agile leader?

It means comprehending that change isn't always about the next milestone but is about continuously adapting to an ever-fluctuating environment. It's about recognising the profound impact that change initiatives can have on an organisation's fabric, from its strategies down to its daily operations. This course delves deep into the nuances of how leaders can approach transformation with foresight and strategy, ensuring all elements align cohesively for successful outcomes.

Gain A Recognised Course Certificate

On completion of the course you will earn a Course Certificate that you can highlight on your CV, LinkedIn profile or portfolio.

Who Should Take This Course?

This course is suitable for anyone that wants to understand how a learning environment can help maximise their personal and professional growth. This includes:

  • Experienced practitioners working in an organisation of any size, or in any sector, or industry
  • Experienced practitioners who can showcase a growing range of good practice and delivery in agility of thinking and working
  • Experienced practitioners who are working across multiple teams and want to evidence their growing leadership skills

Aimed at individuals at
Mastering, Professional Level 3 of the Agile Business Consortium’s competency framework, an evidence based, recognised approach to proving your extensive knowledge, experience, and practice across a business agility expert.

At this level, you will be building substantial experience in the application of business agility to your field of work. You will be forming and supporting agile teams and helping to sustain business agility in the workplace. You will have a factual, procedural and theoretical knowledge and understanding of business agility and its application that addresses agile problems that are complex and non-routine.  

Courses offered by the Agile Business Consortium have been thoughtfully crafted to include extensive and well-researched material, all while maintaining an accessible learning experience. Every participant of our learning platform is encouraged to actively engage in discussions and complete optional activities in order to maximise learning.

Meet the industry experts

Here are the industry experts that you will learn from throughout this course:

Mark Buchan

Agile Transformation Specialist & Author, Agile Leader Ltd

Mark is a seasoned Change Agent and Agile trouble-shooter, with over 20 years’ experience in delivering transformative change and helping turn around failing Agile Transformations. Mark combines his technical background with extensive knowledge of organisational development and psychology, to provide a unique and innovative approach to Agile Transformation.

Mark also helped develop the Agile Business Consortium's "Nine Principles of Agile Leadership" (2017).

Drawing on all Mark's years working in the Agile space, he launched his first book (May 2019): “Leader’s, it’s not how you finish but how you start: A radical new strategy for successful Agile Transformations revealed”. In it, Mark identifies the five mistakes that are common in EVERY failing transformation and he explains what needs to be done to create “Genuine Agile Transformation”. Instead of following prescriptions and recipes, and the conventional approach to Agile Transformations provided by large consulting houses, Mark suggests following a radical, new strategy that is genuinely tailored to the individual organisation. You can buy his book here.